August 24, 2009

Leon - Villadangos del Paramo

Today we left Leon a bit later than we wanted but not late enough to get the stamp from the Cathedral. Yesterday, being Sunday, there was nobody there to give us the stamp and we thought it would be too late to wait until the opening of the Cathedral. As for today, without a doubt the highlight of the day was the stop in front of Agapito´s home in San Miguel del Camino. Agapito, a man we did not meet, only his son and grandson who happened to look from behind the curtain, ia a man who from the goodness of his heart put a table and a bench in front of his house, a bench covered with baskets full of cookies, candies, and fruits and tiny tomatoes from his garden. The table had a notebook for the ones who wanted to leave him a message as well as a stamp and an ink pad for stamping our credentiales, our "passports" for the duration of this journey. The hike was flat for most, if not all, of its 22 kms. Tomorrow´s hike will be longer, 26-28 kms, and a bit more varied in its elevations, but not too much, yet :-)
The albergue is perhaps the best municipal albergue yet, not only because of the arrangement of the rooms-kitchen-bathrooms but also because of the hospitalero, or the person in charge of it. The albergue has one BIG room with single beds and a collection of bunk beds and then a series of cubicles with trunks, for the ones who don´t remember...if bunks have 2 beds, trunks have 3. so our cubicle has 2 trunks. for the moment, we are 3 people in it. The cubicle has no door and there is a window towards the back of the albergue. I expect a cool night :-) A welcomed change after the past nights which varied between very warm and VERY warm. Tomorrow we shall travel to Astorga.

May 27, 2009

Santo Domingo De la Calzada

Victor has to do everything!

Finished stage number 10! The blisters are healing nicely and today while we walked about 24 km, including long detours because the roads were being repaired, they gave me very little grief. The next few days mean long walks so the less blisters the better! We slept quite well in spite of the MANY neighbours. The only thing I did not like was the dirty bathroom, so it was the first time that I did not take a shower as soon as we arrived, neither did I wash the clothes I wore during the past night and day.

Today though we are in a nice place mainly because today there is an important soccer game and the albergues close at 10-10:30 p.m. and the game would not be over by then, so we needed a place that will allow us to come back later.

We visited the town, its cathedral and it was the most different cathedral I have ever seen. Why? Because there is a famous legend about a chicken, a love story and a traveler saved by Santo Domingo. So you go in this cathedral and the beautifully decorated panel that you would expect behind the altar is on a lateral side. The area of the main altar is extremely modern and somewhere at the entrance there is a beautifully decorated cage with a live white rooster and a white hen.

May 26, 2009


Arrived in Nareja today and this means that 9 stages and about 200 km are finished. Sleeping in a room with 88 other people. Imagine a big barn with 45 bunk beds. Four toilets, 2 for women, 2 for men, and none have seats.

May 25, 2009


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May 23, 2009

Los Arcos

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May 21, 2009


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May 20, 2009

May 18, 2009


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May 15, 2009


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May 12, 2009

San Sebastian

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Lorem Ipsum

First post on Mariana and Alfonso's new blog is ironically posted by Victor. This makes sense because he took 10 minutes out of his busy evening schedule to create a blog for them. Hopefully they will start posting soon so that this post does not remain lonely on an otherwise empty page.